18th Century George III Chippendale Period Mahogany Linen Press Wardrobe-118th Century George III Chippendale Period Mahogany Linen Press Wardrobe-218th Century George III Chippendale Period Mahogany Linen Press Wardrobe-318th Century George III Chippendale Period...
A Fine and Rare William IV Rosewood Revolving Library Bookcase Stamped P Westmacott-4A Fine and Rare William IV Rosewood Revolving Library Bookcase Stamped P Westmacott-1A Fine and Rare William IV Rosewood Revolving Library Bookcase Stamped P Westmacott-14A Fine and...
18th Century George III Chinoiserie Japanned Wardrobe - 118th Century George III Chinoiserie Japanned Wardrobe - 1818th Century George III Chinoiserie Japanned Wardrobe - 1718th Century George III Chinoiserie Japanned Wardrobe - 1618th Century George III Chinoiserie...
A fine and rare 17th century William and Mary olive oyster marquetry lace box circa 1670-1690-1A fine and rare 17th century William and Mary olive oyster marquetry lace box circa 1670-1690-2A fine and rare 17th century William and Mary olive oyster marquetry lace box...
A Fine William and Mary Olive Oyster and Laburnum Chest, Circa 1680-1700-1A Fine William and Mary Olive Oyster and Laburnum Chest, Circa 1680-1700-2A Fine William and Mary Olive Oyster and Laburnum Chest, Circa 1680-1700-3A Fine William and Mary Olive Oyster and...