Portrait of a young nobleman, with a strong resemblance to Prince William of Orange. Possibly by Willem van Hornthorst (1596-1666), in a period carved gilt-wood frame

Portrait of a young nobleman, with a strong resemblance to Prince William of Orange. Possibly by Willem van Hornthorst (1596-1666), in a period carved gilt-wood frame

Portrait of a young nobleman, with strong resemblance to Prince William of Orange. Possibly by Willem van Hornthorst (1596-1666), in a period carved gilt-wood frame. Price Enquiry Name Email Address Telephone Message SUBMIT Follow Us Follow Portrait of a young...


A CAREER HIGHLIGHT Invited and selected to exhibit in Berkeley Square, London on the LAPADA ‘Legends Stand’ and for picking up the award for the best object in the furniture category 2019, for our unique pair of labelled mulberry cabinets by G.Coxed and T.Woster....

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