1 Geoirge-III-surpentine-chest2 Thomas-chippendale-chest3 mid-18th-century-chest4 George-III-mahoagny-chest5 chippendale-period George III Chippendale Period Mahogany Serpentine Chest Circa 1770 England Sold Request Information Name Email Address Telephone SUBMIT...
Queen Anne Mulberry Bureau Firmly Attributed to Coxed and Woster circa 1710 England SOLD Request Information Name Email Address Telephone Message SUBMIT Follow Us Follow Queen Anne Mulberry Bureau Firmly Attributed to Coxed and Woster, circa 1710 England This...
George III Mahogany Serpentine Chest of Drawers in the manner of Henry Hill of Marlborough SOLD Request Information Name Email Address Telephone Message SUBMIT Follow Us Follow A fine George III mahogany serpentine chest of drawers in the manor of Henry Hill of...
17th-18th Century Silk Covered Strongbox Jewel Casket SOLD Request Information Name Email Address Telephone Message SUBMIT Follow Us Follow 17th-18th Century Silk Covered Strongbox Jewel Casket Fit for a Queen… From time to time an object can certainly grab your...